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Welcome to Ms. Riley's website.    Greetings,   I am proud to teach the Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) classes at Kingsley Junior High School.
Intro to FACS is a one semester class for 6th and 7th grade students.  It teaches practical skills with hands-on lessons for green living, nutrition and cooking, fashion and interior design, and financial literacy.  


Advanced FACS is a class designed for 8th graders.  Students explore FACS fields of study by applying knowledge and skills towards project based learning. Students aim for greater understanding by making connections to the world around them. Classroom activities promote critical thinking and workplace skills.  

Both classes teach students how to empower themselves with life skills. Students think critically, read, discuss, lead, follow, increase their vocabulary, and apply their learning.

I use Google Classroom as my digital platform.  When absent, please check the FACS Google Classrooms to access lessons and make-up assignments.   

                        Room 06  Classroom 

Sewing Lab
                      Room 08 Cooking Lab                          
Culinary Lab
Contact Information

Classroom - Room 06

Cooking Lab - Room 08

Voicemail - 309-336-6293

Email -