Responsibility |
Participation |
Assessment |
Physical Education
Dress Cuts Locks Squads Locker Room Behavior Tardies Absences |
Effort Sportsmanship Behavior Attitude
Tri-Fitness Sports Units Fitness Days Skill Assessment |
Understanding of Rules
4—complete understanding of rules
3—basic understanding of rules
2—some understanding of rules
1—limited understanding of rules
0—no understanding of rules
Understanding of Strategies
4—complete understanding of strategies
3—basic understanding of strategies
2—some understanding of strategies
1—limited understanding of strategies
0—no understanding of rules
Skill set for Unit
4—mastered skills for grade level
3—performs skills sufficiently
2—attempts to perform skills
1—limited effort at performing skills
0—unable to assess skills due to lack of participation
Participation Level
4—excited about participation
3—participates willingly
2—participates with few complaints
1—frequent complaining/low effort
0—refusal to participate
4—encourages others
3—works well with others
2—tolerates others
1—unable to get along with others
0—unable to assess sportsmanship due to lack of participation